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Just some of our many reviews from happy families.

Heart felt email from AnnaMarie

Our Famous Labs & Kind Words
Shelby the Diving Lab
As Published in "Just Labs" Magazine
Shelby is sired by Legacys Sugar Shack and Honey
Shelby the Diving Lab
As Published in "Just Labs" Magazine
Shelby is sired by Legacys Sugar Shack and Honey

Tribute the loving and always loyal Service Dog
Tribute is sired by Maximum Millionaire
Tribute is sired by Maximum Millionaire

You need to know about a wonderful puppy Dora & I purchased Dec 2003.--from litter of Legacy Maximum Millionaire & GJ Sugar Peaches. Dora named him Tribute, was to be our pet. We have owned many dogs in our 44 years of marriage, but never one quite like Tribute. All of our dogs have been big indoor pets…Dora loves them and has a special talent relating to them. They are always best friends. If anyone says Dora treats me like a dog, I take it as a true compliment. Attached are pictures to describe what a special dog Tribute has become. We in the past have always had two dogs at a time, a German Shepherd & a Lab. I used to train the labs for hunting, but never considered that for Tribute; he was to be a true pet. Now the rest of the story!
The day after we got him home, Dora started training him to bring in newspaper…fast learner and picked it right up. (See first 3 pictures) He has brought me the paper every day since then. For two years that was pretty much it other than the obedience training that I did as with all of our previous dogs. He responded well to the training.
Dora was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 28 yrs. She is determined not to let it get her down; has had many attacks but fought through them. She has and still is an inspiration to many people with her sweet attitude and determination. In 2005 when Tribute was about 2 Dora began to fall a lot, and could not break her falls. Her doctor prescribed a wheelchair, which troubled Dora That month I saw an article in national MS magazine. The President of Assistance Dogs of Texas has MS; she used a service dog, and was Pres of Assistance Dogs of TX. They train dogs for many disabilities. I showed article to Dora who emphatically said “I will do that”. They’re located in Red Oak, TX, Although the organization prefers to use their own dogs, they agreed to test Tribute for 2 hrs in our home to see if he would qualify. We had no idea what to expect. Two women came & thoroughly tested Tribute.. It was amazing how they interacted with him. Sometimes they ‘d have us leave the room while they further evaluated Tribute. After 2 hours of evaluation, the results were: they loved Tribute and he was an exceptional dog, and qualified with flying colors. They gave us 2 options: #1 Take Tribute for 1.5 – 2 yrs to train OR #2 we could home school him, which Dora chose. They came to our home ( for a fee) and trained them together; every 4 wks there were field trips to airports/simulators/buses/trains, shopping malls etc.
Training was wonderful. I had to completely remove myself from any training with Tribute.
I was the alpha and Dora had to become master. Training began Feb 2006. He trained to be: #1 a balance dog; #2 a fetch dog—he has a special phone to get her if needed; he finds me no matter where I am (inside or outside) if she needs help; #3 he helps her off floor ; #4 he is constant companion and goes everywhere with her. He’s been on all transportation, and loves to go to our Grandson’s baseball games. When at a restaurant, Dora directs him under the table—you never know he’s there. He is so calm, friendly and everyone loves him . Tribute loves his work...he breezed through the training & finished in record time. He received his Service Dog certification in 8 months--what a dog!!
The important thing: since Tribute has been Dora’s service dog, she has never fallen. He has saved her many times and is happy doing it. Dora retired 4/2010 from business she started 25 years ago, and she & Tribute volunteer in the community: they’ve completed Colleyville Citizens Police and Fire Academy, the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training course, including Homeland Security, Cart (Child Abduction Response Team) for missing children. Dora & Tribute are known throughout the area for their church and community involvement. I am so proud of them.
We are so thankful to have found you and Legacy-Labs. Tribute has been a gift from God for us.
The day after we got him home, Dora started training him to bring in newspaper…fast learner and picked it right up. (See first 3 pictures) He has brought me the paper every day since then. For two years that was pretty much it other than the obedience training that I did as with all of our previous dogs. He responded well to the training.
Dora was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 28 yrs. She is determined not to let it get her down; has had many attacks but fought through them. She has and still is an inspiration to many people with her sweet attitude and determination. In 2005 when Tribute was about 2 Dora began to fall a lot, and could not break her falls. Her doctor prescribed a wheelchair, which troubled Dora That month I saw an article in national MS magazine. The President of Assistance Dogs of Texas has MS; she used a service dog, and was Pres of Assistance Dogs of TX. They train dogs for many disabilities. I showed article to Dora who emphatically said “I will do that”. They’re located in Red Oak, TX, Although the organization prefers to use their own dogs, they agreed to test Tribute for 2 hrs in our home to see if he would qualify. We had no idea what to expect. Two women came & thoroughly tested Tribute.. It was amazing how they interacted with him. Sometimes they ‘d have us leave the room while they further evaluated Tribute. After 2 hours of evaluation, the results were: they loved Tribute and he was an exceptional dog, and qualified with flying colors. They gave us 2 options: #1 Take Tribute for 1.5 – 2 yrs to train OR #2 we could home school him, which Dora chose. They came to our home ( for a fee) and trained them together; every 4 wks there were field trips to airports/simulators/buses/trains, shopping malls etc.
Training was wonderful. I had to completely remove myself from any training with Tribute.
I was the alpha and Dora had to become master. Training began Feb 2006. He trained to be: #1 a balance dog; #2 a fetch dog—he has a special phone to get her if needed; he finds me no matter where I am (inside or outside) if she needs help; #3 he helps her off floor ; #4 he is constant companion and goes everywhere with her. He’s been on all transportation, and loves to go to our Grandson’s baseball games. When at a restaurant, Dora directs him under the table—you never know he’s there. He is so calm, friendly and everyone loves him . Tribute loves his work...he breezed through the training & finished in record time. He received his Service Dog certification in 8 months--what a dog!!
The important thing: since Tribute has been Dora’s service dog, she has never fallen. He has saved her many times and is happy doing it. Dora retired 4/2010 from business she started 25 years ago, and she & Tribute volunteer in the community: they’ve completed Colleyville Citizens Police and Fire Academy, the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training course, including Homeland Security, Cart (Child Abduction Response Team) for missing children. Dora & Tribute are known throughout the area for their church and community involvement. I am so proud of them.
We are so thankful to have found you and Legacy-Labs. Tribute has been a gift from God for us.





Beau and Hooch

Beau and Hooch
June 16, 2010
Well… you’ve done it again! You have provided Lynn and I with the 2nd opportunity to have another absolutely “Drop Dead Gorgeous” lab pup in our family. Not only does he have the looks, in the 4 short days we have had our new pup, he already exhibits the traits in a retriever I have come to expect from the exceptionally high breeding standards of your kennel. Hooch is, smart, gregarious, tenacious, confident, and courageous. He is already retrieving his small training dummy, knows exactly where his food/water dish is and is well on his way to being house broken. All of this from an 8 ½ week old pup!! Amazing!!
It was almost 3 years ago that our association with you and your fabulous animals began a journey for Lynn and I that will forever change our lives. Lynn had finally decided after years of not having a dog, it was time for her to have a new lab pup in her life. She and I had countless discussions on the type labs, breeders, colors, pedigrees, field trial/hunt test accomplishments etc. we should look for. Lynn was convinced she just had to have a white lab, and told me she had found your kennels on line. Being the avid hunter/outdoorsman I am, I was concerned we were about to go look at a pup that would not only be hard to hide in a duck blind but was from a line of labs largely known for their show quality than their hunting/field trial accomplishments.
Boy, are we glad Lynn found you!! When we arrived at your Ranch we were greeted by you and an entourage of happy, friendly, beautiful white labs that instantly made us think WOW look how pretty and sociable these labs are. After we visited a moment, around the corner came this wheel barrel full of sleepy pups that had just been fed. As they were each taken out and placed in the play kennel for us to observe, this one big ole lumbering male pup wobbled up to the edge of the pen and looked straight up at Lynn with his big dark eyes! Lynn bent over picked him up and at that moment as he licked her on the neck, he chose her!! “Beau”, as he is known by these days became a part of our family. When she put Beau down outside the pen, his little nose hit the ground smelling and trailing every scent he encountered, a trait that has served him well!! This little hunter has grown up to be an outstanding hunter/competitor.
Beau “HR Rairick’s Bayou Beauregard, is now 3 years old. Not only is he an unbelievable hunting companion, family member. But he is doing well in the hunt test arena. He has received his HR (Hunting Retriever) title in the UKC/ HRCH this last spring, and will begin pursuit of His UKC/HRCH (Hunting Retriever Champion) and AKC Senior Hunter (SH) titles this fall. It has been truly a blessing and a privilege to have such a wonderful animal to make this training journey with. Beau has never been trained by a pro, just he and I and a lot of tips from other trainers! What a natural he is! A dog of a lifetime!
As much a hunter as he is, he is an unbelievably wonderful pet. Beau is of great temperament, kind, loving, smart, and sensitive to the times when Lynn and I are not at the top of our game. He still carries his blankets Lynn got him as a puppy with him as he follows Lynn when she tells him it’s time to go to bed. He still licks her in the same spot on her neck he licked her as a puppy the first time she held him.
Without a doubt Beau’s and Hooch’s temperament is a direct reflection of the environment at the ranch and your home; the whelping of pups in your house, the personal care you give the Dams as they nurse there pups, and the early socialization they received.
To sum all this rambling up, Lynn and I just want you to know how much we appreciate you as an individual and a professional breeder. Every time we have talked to you about bringing each of these wonderful animals into our home and lives, you have provided us with honest, insightful, information as well , shared your intuitive knowledge about each of your pups, Dams and Sires. It is clearly obvious the love, commitment and passion you have for your fine animals.
Please feel free to have anyone give us a call to discuss our experience with You and Legacy Labs.
We will keep you posted on Beau’s and Hooch’s accomplishments!
Thank you!!
Mike Walden and Lynn Joliet
Well… you’ve done it again! You have provided Lynn and I with the 2nd opportunity to have another absolutely “Drop Dead Gorgeous” lab pup in our family. Not only does he have the looks, in the 4 short days we have had our new pup, he already exhibits the traits in a retriever I have come to expect from the exceptionally high breeding standards of your kennel. Hooch is, smart, gregarious, tenacious, confident, and courageous. He is already retrieving his small training dummy, knows exactly where his food/water dish is and is well on his way to being house broken. All of this from an 8 ½ week old pup!! Amazing!!
It was almost 3 years ago that our association with you and your fabulous animals began a journey for Lynn and I that will forever change our lives. Lynn had finally decided after years of not having a dog, it was time for her to have a new lab pup in her life. She and I had countless discussions on the type labs, breeders, colors, pedigrees, field trial/hunt test accomplishments etc. we should look for. Lynn was convinced she just had to have a white lab, and told me she had found your kennels on line. Being the avid hunter/outdoorsman I am, I was concerned we were about to go look at a pup that would not only be hard to hide in a duck blind but was from a line of labs largely known for their show quality than their hunting/field trial accomplishments.
Boy, are we glad Lynn found you!! When we arrived at your Ranch we were greeted by you and an entourage of happy, friendly, beautiful white labs that instantly made us think WOW look how pretty and sociable these labs are. After we visited a moment, around the corner came this wheel barrel full of sleepy pups that had just been fed. As they were each taken out and placed in the play kennel for us to observe, this one big ole lumbering male pup wobbled up to the edge of the pen and looked straight up at Lynn with his big dark eyes! Lynn bent over picked him up and at that moment as he licked her on the neck, he chose her!! “Beau”, as he is known by these days became a part of our family. When she put Beau down outside the pen, his little nose hit the ground smelling and trailing every scent he encountered, a trait that has served him well!! This little hunter has grown up to be an outstanding hunter/competitor.
Beau “HR Rairick’s Bayou Beauregard, is now 3 years old. Not only is he an unbelievable hunting companion, family member. But he is doing well in the hunt test arena. He has received his HR (Hunting Retriever) title in the UKC/ HRCH this last spring, and will begin pursuit of His UKC/HRCH (Hunting Retriever Champion) and AKC Senior Hunter (SH) titles this fall. It has been truly a blessing and a privilege to have such a wonderful animal to make this training journey with. Beau has never been trained by a pro, just he and I and a lot of tips from other trainers! What a natural he is! A dog of a lifetime!
As much a hunter as he is, he is an unbelievably wonderful pet. Beau is of great temperament, kind, loving, smart, and sensitive to the times when Lynn and I are not at the top of our game. He still carries his blankets Lynn got him as a puppy with him as he follows Lynn when she tells him it’s time to go to bed. He still licks her in the same spot on her neck he licked her as a puppy the first time she held him.
Without a doubt Beau’s and Hooch’s temperament is a direct reflection of the environment at the ranch and your home; the whelping of pups in your house, the personal care you give the Dams as they nurse there pups, and the early socialization they received.
To sum all this rambling up, Lynn and I just want you to know how much we appreciate you as an individual and a professional breeder. Every time we have talked to you about bringing each of these wonderful animals into our home and lives, you have provided us with honest, insightful, information as well , shared your intuitive knowledge about each of your pups, Dams and Sires. It is clearly obvious the love, commitment and passion you have for your fine animals.
Please feel free to have anyone give us a call to discuss our experience with You and Legacy Labs.
We will keep you posted on Beau’s and Hooch’s accomplishments!
Thank you!!
Mike Walden and Lynn Joliet

Lea and Georgia
April 4, 2008
My wife Kathy and I lost Chase, the last of our three best friends, our dogs, to age and illness about 3 years ago. After six months or so went by we began talking about getting another dog. We were not sure what kind or size dog we wanted but we were sure we wanted a white one. All three of our dogs were white. Kathy even bought a dog picture book for us to look at and read up on the different breeds and qualities. Christmas 05’ was approaching fast and we were still mourning over Chase and undecided on what kind or size dog we wanted. Christmas Day was on Sunday. I came home after work on Friday evening and in the mail box was the Kaufman County Life monthly paper. The cover story was about you and your white labs. I read the story and discovered you were located very close to where we live in Forney. I read the article to Kathy. She wasn’t very interested at first. Saturday morning I read the article to her again and suggested we call. I thought your phone would be ringing off the hook after the article was out. I called and spoke to your daughter and asked what was available (NONE), what was on the way (2 LITTERS), if you had some we could see (YES) and could we come over. My call was about 10a.m. on Christmas Eve. She suggested we come over around 4 p.m. when she had scheduled other people to visit. I told her we wanted to come over right away. She invited us over and we were there in 20 minutes. We were greeted at your gate by about 10 white labs. After about an hour of playing with your dogs we went to the barn and in a stall was a litter of puppies. Kathy was an easy prey! We thanked your daughter and left on our way to Dallas for last minute Christmas shopping. We made it onto I-20 and before we got to the first exit I told her I had pretty much made up my mind. She agreed and we turned around. You arrived by the time we returned and to Kathy’s surprise I bought 2 sisters from Shania’s next litter due right after Christmas fathered by Rodeo Romeo. We came over several times, after we were able to choose our puppies, to visit them. You and your family were very generous allowing us into your home to play with them. Our dogs, Lee and Georgia, are 2 years old and love their life here on our 20 acres. They are happy to have each other and are inseparable. We can’t keep them out or our 1 acre pond. Georgia and Lee are very good healthy dogs and have wonderful temperament. We have never had a lab before, especially a white one or two! We are in Heaven. Truly great friends and pets.
I would like to mention again to you about the experience I had at SkyCreek Ranch Golf Course in the Keller/Southlake area a few weeks ago. I was golfing with friends and saw a white lab in the backyard of a home on the hole were playing. I told my companions to look at that white lab and that it looked just like my two. We drove our carts over to take a closer look and to our delight found out that he was from Legacy-Labs and fathered by Rodeo Romeo. I told the owner that I had two half sisters. Small world!
We highly recommend you to anyone wanting a dog. You and your family’s kindness is much appreciated. We are very happy with our experience with Legacy-Labs.
Very Sincerely
Davy and Kathy Compton
My wife Kathy and I lost Chase, the last of our three best friends, our dogs, to age and illness about 3 years ago. After six months or so went by we began talking about getting another dog. We were not sure what kind or size dog we wanted but we were sure we wanted a white one. All three of our dogs were white. Kathy even bought a dog picture book for us to look at and read up on the different breeds and qualities. Christmas 05’ was approaching fast and we were still mourning over Chase and undecided on what kind or size dog we wanted. Christmas Day was on Sunday. I came home after work on Friday evening and in the mail box was the Kaufman County Life monthly paper. The cover story was about you and your white labs. I read the story and discovered you were located very close to where we live in Forney. I read the article to Kathy. She wasn’t very interested at first. Saturday morning I read the article to her again and suggested we call. I thought your phone would be ringing off the hook after the article was out. I called and spoke to your daughter and asked what was available (NONE), what was on the way (2 LITTERS), if you had some we could see (YES) and could we come over. My call was about 10a.m. on Christmas Eve. She suggested we come over around 4 p.m. when she had scheduled other people to visit. I told her we wanted to come over right away. She invited us over and we were there in 20 minutes. We were greeted at your gate by about 10 white labs. After about an hour of playing with your dogs we went to the barn and in a stall was a litter of puppies. Kathy was an easy prey! We thanked your daughter and left on our way to Dallas for last minute Christmas shopping. We made it onto I-20 and before we got to the first exit I told her I had pretty much made up my mind. She agreed and we turned around. You arrived by the time we returned and to Kathy’s surprise I bought 2 sisters from Shania’s next litter due right after Christmas fathered by Rodeo Romeo. We came over several times, after we were able to choose our puppies, to visit them. You and your family were very generous allowing us into your home to play with them. Our dogs, Lee and Georgia, are 2 years old and love their life here on our 20 acres. They are happy to have each other and are inseparable. We can’t keep them out or our 1 acre pond. Georgia and Lee are very good healthy dogs and have wonderful temperament. We have never had a lab before, especially a white one or two! We are in Heaven. Truly great friends and pets.
I would like to mention again to you about the experience I had at SkyCreek Ranch Golf Course in the Keller/Southlake area a few weeks ago. I was golfing with friends and saw a white lab in the backyard of a home on the hole were playing. I told my companions to look at that white lab and that it looked just like my two. We drove our carts over to take a closer look and to our delight found out that he was from Legacy-Labs and fathered by Rodeo Romeo. I told the owner that I had two half sisters. Small world!
We highly recommend you to anyone wanting a dog. You and your family’s kindness is much appreciated. We are very happy with our experience with Legacy-Labs.
Very Sincerely
Davy and Kathy Compton

Lea Georgia

Lea and Georgia


July 31, 2008
This letter has been a long time in coming. I first saw your web site by googling Labradors Retrievers in the fall of 2007. The white labs really caught my eye. So then my husband Bryan and I went to You Tube to watch some of the videos you had and needless to say we were hooked.
Fortunate for us you had a couple of litters due anytime and we would have a puppy by January of 2008. You were flying our puppy to Denver where we were to pick him up. We live about five hours from Denver and I remember how hard you worked to get him there because of the weather and we truly appreciated every thing you did.
Our sweet puppy arrived safe and sound and we named him Auto. It has been a whirl wind ever since. He spends almost every minute with one family member or the other and I am able to take him to work with me, so, you could say he is very spoiled, but well behaved.
With the pond at our home, the irrigation ditch at work and all the lakes on the mountain 10 minutes away we hardly ever have a dry dog around. Auto is a strong swimmer and took fast to fetching the dummies, I don’t know who is having more fun.
Kathie we just wanted to thank you and your family for making getting a puppy from a long distance very easy and professional. We could tell that your dogs are loved very much and well taken care of. We would recommend Legacy - Labs to anyone who is looking for a dog, I believe their experience would be as satisfying as ours had been.
Diane Kissner
This letter has been a long time in coming. I first saw your web site by googling Labradors Retrievers in the fall of 2007. The white labs really caught my eye. So then my husband Bryan and I went to You Tube to watch some of the videos you had and needless to say we were hooked.
Fortunate for us you had a couple of litters due anytime and we would have a puppy by January of 2008. You were flying our puppy to Denver where we were to pick him up. We live about five hours from Denver and I remember how hard you worked to get him there because of the weather and we truly appreciated every thing you did.
Our sweet puppy arrived safe and sound and we named him Auto. It has been a whirl wind ever since. He spends almost every minute with one family member or the other and I am able to take him to work with me, so, you could say he is very spoiled, but well behaved.
With the pond at our home, the irrigation ditch at work and all the lakes on the mountain 10 minutes away we hardly ever have a dry dog around. Auto is a strong swimmer and took fast to fetching the dummies, I don’t know who is having more fun.
Kathie we just wanted to thank you and your family for making getting a puppy from a long distance very easy and professional. We could tell that your dogs are loved very much and well taken care of. We would recommend Legacy - Labs to anyone who is looking for a dog, I believe their experience would be as satisfying as ours had been.
Diane Kissner




Love Our White Lab

Storm the Search Dog
Storm is a member of an all volunteer search and rescue group called Search One Rescue Team. The team provides specially trained K9’s to any governmental agency, typically law enforcement, to help locate missing people.
Storm is trained as an air scent K9. Specifically he is trained to detect any human scent in the air, and then follow the scent back to its source. This type of dog is best utilized in areas such as woods, fields, parks etc. They can also be used in some urban settings. He works off lead. An air scent K9 is different from a trailing K9, like a bloodhound, who looks for a specific person, using the scent from an object the person has had contact with.
Storm has been doing this work for the past eight years, and loves every minute of it. It took almost two years to get Storm trained to be field deployable. He is trained to find people in all kinds of conditions, as well as situations that may include people hidden or concealed, or unreachable. Whether we are going to training or to a real search, he knows what my uniform is, and as soon as it’s brought out of the closet, he is running back and forth to the door, barking and crying. When he is in his crate before we begin, he literally shakes with excitement.
What makes this dog so special, is that he works at 110% each and every time and does it all for a tennis ball. When he locates a missing person, he is trained to stay there and bark until I show up to reward him. What is truly unique about this dog is that I’ve learned more about search strategy then from any person on the team. As a dog handler, it’s my job to find the best place to start the search, by studying the wind, terrain, and any other geographic features. Storm has shown me how scent travels, by watching how he works the wind currents, and determining where the scent is coming from. After working with him for all these years, the novelty of watching him work has never worn off.
Storm has been a many searches, but his most notable searches were his first two, in which he located the missing people within minutes of starting. On his very first search, he located a missing elderly man in less than ten minutes, in a heavily wooded area. This area had been searched by the police for several hours the day before, and again on the day of the search.
When Storm is not working (which he would do every chance he got) he is a literal couch potato at home. His favorite snacks are watermelon or apples, which ever is available. His favorite activity at home is swimming after tennis balls in our pool.
Storm is trained as an air scent K9. Specifically he is trained to detect any human scent in the air, and then follow the scent back to its source. This type of dog is best utilized in areas such as woods, fields, parks etc. They can also be used in some urban settings. He works off lead. An air scent K9 is different from a trailing K9, like a bloodhound, who looks for a specific person, using the scent from an object the person has had contact with.
Storm has been doing this work for the past eight years, and loves every minute of it. It took almost two years to get Storm trained to be field deployable. He is trained to find people in all kinds of conditions, as well as situations that may include people hidden or concealed, or unreachable. Whether we are going to training or to a real search, he knows what my uniform is, and as soon as it’s brought out of the closet, he is running back and forth to the door, barking and crying. When he is in his crate before we begin, he literally shakes with excitement.
What makes this dog so special, is that he works at 110% each and every time and does it all for a tennis ball. When he locates a missing person, he is trained to stay there and bark until I show up to reward him. What is truly unique about this dog is that I’ve learned more about search strategy then from any person on the team. As a dog handler, it’s my job to find the best place to start the search, by studying the wind, terrain, and any other geographic features. Storm has shown me how scent travels, by watching how he works the wind currents, and determining where the scent is coming from. After working with him for all these years, the novelty of watching him work has never worn off.
Storm has been a many searches, but his most notable searches were his first two, in which he located the missing people within minutes of starting. On his very first search, he located a missing elderly man in less than ten minutes, in a heavily wooded area. This area had been searched by the police for several hours the day before, and again on the day of the search.
When Storm is not working (which he would do every chance he got) he is a literal couch potato at home. His favorite snacks are watermelon or apples, which ever is available. His favorite activity at home is swimming after tennis balls in our pool.

Storm the Search Dog

Dear Legacy Labs,
I wanted write and tell you how happy I am that I made the decision to purchase a white lab from Legacy Labs. I was very hesitant at first, but my little puppy turned out to be the best lab I have ever had! I have owned many great labs throughout my life and Maisie is by far the sweetest, most loving, most beautiful and most obedient dog. Maisie is almost 5 months old and she has never chewed anything but her toys! Now that is something most lab owners cannot say!!!
Maisie has the most strikingly beautiful white coat. As I walk her down the street or through the parks in Kansas City, she turns more heads than I could ever have imagined. Maisie has the most fun-loving personality. She loves to play with other dogs, go for runs, go boating and swimming. Although she hasn’t had a chance to go hunting yet, she is training to hunt pheasants and is doing very well. She will be a great hunting dog!
Maisie was potty trained within three weeks of having her! Actually, she was potty trained almost immediately but she is so quite that she would go to the back door, sit and wait patiently for me to let her out and sometimes I didn’t notice in time and she would have a mistake by the door. So technically, that would be my fault! :o)
By 12 weeks of age, Maisie had already mastered sit, lay down, shake, speak, leave it, drop it, and high five. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better, smarter puppy! She is perfect in so many ways and I want to thank you for encouraging me to get her! I honestly don’t know what I have done without her in my life all this time!
I would love to be a reference for any potential buyers or answer any questions that they may have about the pups produced from Legacy Labs.
I wanted write and tell you how happy I am that I made the decision to purchase a white lab from Legacy Labs. I was very hesitant at first, but my little puppy turned out to be the best lab I have ever had! I have owned many great labs throughout my life and Maisie is by far the sweetest, most loving, most beautiful and most obedient dog. Maisie is almost 5 months old and she has never chewed anything but her toys! Now that is something most lab owners cannot say!!!
Maisie has the most strikingly beautiful white coat. As I walk her down the street or through the parks in Kansas City, she turns more heads than I could ever have imagined. Maisie has the most fun-loving personality. She loves to play with other dogs, go for runs, go boating and swimming. Although she hasn’t had a chance to go hunting yet, she is training to hunt pheasants and is doing very well. She will be a great hunting dog!
Maisie was potty trained within three weeks of having her! Actually, she was potty trained almost immediately but she is so quite that she would go to the back door, sit and wait patiently for me to let her out and sometimes I didn’t notice in time and she would have a mistake by the door. So technically, that would be my fault! :o)
By 12 weeks of age, Maisie had already mastered sit, lay down, shake, speak, leave it, drop it, and high five. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better, smarter puppy! She is perfect in so many ways and I want to thank you for encouraging me to get her! I honestly don’t know what I have done without her in my life all this time!
I would love to be a reference for any potential buyers or answer any questions that they may have about the pups produced from Legacy Labs.

2nd Dog from LL

More pictures of Maggie. I am 84 years old and had no business getting a baby but she keeps me moving and we are having a great time. She is so energetic and athletic, we think she will take to agility training in the future. My niece has agility dogs and will train her. I love the picture showing her black paws. It looks like she is wearing mittens. One looks like she is walking on water. WE LOVE HER!!
Thanks again for our special girl.
Thanks again for our special girl.



We Love Our White Lab Bear!

We Love Our White Lab Bear!

We Love Our White Lab Bear!

Hi Kathie,
Hope all is well with you and family. I wanted to share a couple of pictures of Hooch, our pup out of Donna and Cash, at the Cowtown HRC hunt test at the Bunker Sands Wetlands. He received his first Seasoned test pass at this event.
Lynn and I cannot thank you enough for your help in selecting Hooch as you can see he is quite handsome, with great features. Very Smart , lovable, tons of drive, and loves to please!
Thanks so much for such wonderful pups!!
Oh, and Beau says hello and is only two passes away from his HRCH title!!
Hope all is well with you and family. I wanted to share a couple of pictures of Hooch, our pup out of Donna and Cash, at the Cowtown HRC hunt test at the Bunker Sands Wetlands. He received his first Seasoned test pass at this event.
Lynn and I cannot thank you enough for your help in selecting Hooch as you can see he is quite handsome, with great features. Very Smart , lovable, tons of drive, and loves to please!
Thanks so much for such wonderful pups!!
Oh, and Beau says hello and is only two passes away from his HRCH title!!


Hi Kathie,
This email has been a long time coming. In November of 2006 I purchased a beautiful white lab puppy from you. I just wanted to tell you Kona has been the best companion/friend a person could ask for. When I got Kona I was still a student at UT. Now, we both live and work on a ranch outside of Austin, TX. I've
attached a few pics so you can see my best friend in the whole world. Thank you Kathie.
Tommy Rushing
This email has been a long time coming. In November of 2006 I purchased a beautiful white lab puppy from you. I just wanted to tell you Kona has been the best companion/friend a person could ask for. When I got Kona I was still a student at UT. Now, we both live and work on a ranch outside of Austin, TX. I've
attached a few pics so you can see my best friend in the whole world. Thank you Kathie.
Tommy Rushing

I was looking at your you tube video of Nikki's litter born 2-2-12. I actually purchased one of NIKKI'S and Texas Tacoma's pups from last year, born on 2-10-11 named Barron. I believe he is the one you have on the end of the video. He is now named Wheezer and is a beautiful, wonderful dog. I thought you might enjoy seeing pics of him now at 1 year old. He is a very obedient, quiet, dog. He is about 50 lbs and has the soft curly coat like his mom. We could not have gotten a better puppy, he was house trained in a couple of days and has the most mild, happy, personality. I recommend your pups to everyone that asks me where I got him. Thanks a million for such a great dog!
Janet Reeves
Janet Reeves


"This is Gus. He will be 8 months soon. He is the best dog ever and very smart! Thank you Legacy-Labs!" - Bryan P.

'We would like a refund on our "White" Lab. It seems Bella is turning into a Chocolate Lab? JUST KIDDING!! You can't have this wonderful dirty thing back!! - Kevin T.

"Our little Elle (Gracie) at 6 months explaining to mom why she should be allowed on the couch! She's been the perfect puppy and we'llbe back soon to get her a brother or sister" - Jeff M.

Kami and Kameron
"Kami and Kameron after their first puppy grooming. He weighs 20 kbs and she weighs 15. We just love them to pieces!" - Stefanie J.

"Charlie from Zeus and Gracie's litter. We couldn't ask for a better pet!" David S.

"Colton's getting bigger every day - she's almost bigger than the boys! But still a snugglebug - we are completely smitten!" - Eleanor Y.

"Colton and Parkes - pre-game motivational chat!" - Eleanor Y.

My 6 year old (Oliver) says from behind me "Take a picture mom. Here's the caption: "Best Buds." I turn to find this adorable duo. Orson and Oliver. They truly are best buds! Thank you for our sweet, mild mannered yet eternally playful pup!" - Deanna M.

Red Lab Love


"We got our girl Kenedi from Legacy-Labs about 8 or 9 years ago. Kennedi has been the love of our life in the Earnhart family. She loves to swim and we have seen her dive to the bottom of our 9 ft deep pool before. Our girl is so loving and I have to say she is a total "Daddy's" girl, but mommy is the only on she kisses... lol" - Gregg E.

The Vardell's love our new baby Rose, from Gracie's litter in North Carolina! Look at that sweet face!" - Laura & Kathy Vardell

"Our wonderful Bella! She tried to stay awake for Santa, but didn't quite make it." - Kevin T.

Landrie out for a stroll with her most precious Scout from Legacy-Labs." - Keri C.

"This is our big lap lab, Beau aka Leroy. Lizzy is his mom." - Debbie S.

Patriotic Pup

Doodle Love

Lab Love

Labs Love Water

Doodle Party

Puppy Surprise

Classy Lab

Lab Family

White Lab Surprise

Lab Family

Doodle Rides

Hi Kathie
I hope you are doing well. We purchased Luna (Zelda) from you and picked her up in April of this year. She was from Zoey's February litter.
She is a complete joy!!! I have never met another puppy like her...and everyone falls in love with her instantly:) Even just from pictures! I've included a couple for you.
I hope all is going well for you!
I hope you are doing well. We purchased Luna (Zelda) from you and picked her up in April of this year. She was from Zoey's February litter.
She is a complete joy!!! I have never met another puppy like her...and everyone falls in love with her instantly:) Even just from pictures! I've included a couple for you.
I hope all is going well for you!
